Book Review: The World of Lore: Wicked Mortals

I admit I've never listened to the Lore podcast. I've heard great things, and I've always meant to get around to it, but I admit podcasts usually aren't my thing. I find I prefer to absorb information through reading rather than hearing. Everyone has their own way of learning.

So anyway, I was delighted when I found out Mahnke was coming out with books based on his podcast. I bought the first two right away. But when I tried to read the first book (Monstrous Creatures), I just couldn't get into it. Something in Mahnke's writing style just irked me. So I put both books aside for a while.

Then while packing my books up for a move, I came across this second one, Wicked Mortals, again and decided to give it ago. And I loved it. Whatever bugged me about Mahnke's writing in the first book did not bother me here. In fact, I thought the whole thing flowed quite well, and I finished it in just a few sittings.

As for the topics covered, I admit I found the earlier sections (on murderers and serial killers) a bit more interesting than the later sections. Some of the later chapters seemed somewhat out of place; the mortals they discussed weren't so much wicked as they were more just strange or delusional.

Still, overall the book was an interesting read. I liked it enough that I plan on revisiting the first book and seeing if maybe I can get into it more easily this time.


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