Book Review: Orford Parish Murder Houses

It is a shame if not an actual crime that more people are not reading this book. Orford Parish Murder Houses: A Visitor's Guide is an insanely clever, funny, and occasionally actually chilling faux-guide to the New England town of Orford, apparently famous for its murders.

The book is divided into segments based on the different locations of murders, and each section gives an account of the crime occurring in the house as well as the subsequent hauntings or other mysterious, potentially supernatural occurrences that have since occurred. These mysterious events occasionally dip into the Lovecraftian and account for the book's more legitimately unsettling moments.

This short collection is only about $5.00 on Amazon ($1.00 for a Kindle copy) and only 50 pages long, so you have no excuse for not reading it. Horror and weird fiction fans will eat this one up, and I highly urge everyone with an interest in the genres to check this out. You will not be disappointed.


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