Book Review: Her Halloween Party

 Do you ever read a book and you enjoy it so much, you just kinda can't get it out of your head afterwards? You want to tell everyone you encounter how much you enjoyed the book and convince them to read it too?

That was this book for me.

I was initially a little wary of this series by Brooklyn Ann, because I'm not a huge romance person. But my love of 80's flavored fiction won me out, and I ordered this one and the first book in the series, His Final Girl. I decided to jump into this one first, since it's Halloween themed and would get me into the holiday spirit. This one's also heavily inspired by Night of the Demons, one of my absolute favorite films.

Needless to say, I loved it. Her Halloween Party is so much fun and feels just the reading equivalent of watching my favorite 80's horror films. I even enjoyed the romance; it was sexy and sweet and I was fully invested in it by the book's end.

I can't recommend this one enough, especially to 80's horror film fans and those who like a little romance with their terror.


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